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Technical Name asterisk_click2dial
Versions 8.0 7.0 9.0 10.0 12.0 14.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Community Apps Dependencies
Technical Name asterisk_click2dial
Versions 8.0 7.0 9.0 10.0 12.0 14.0

Asterisk-OpenERP connector

The technical name of this module is asterisk_click2dial, but this module implements much more than a simple click2dial ! This module adds 3 functionalities:

  1. It adds a Dial button in the partner form view so that users can directly dial a phone number through Asterisk. This feature is usually known as click2dial. Here is how it works :

    • In OpenERP, the user clicks on the Dial button next to a phone number field in the partner view.
    • OpenERP connects to the Asterisk Manager Interface and Asterisk makes the user's phone ring.
    • The user answers his own phone (if he doesn't, the process stops here).
    • Asterisk dials the phone number found in OpenERP in place of the user.
    • If the remote party answers, the user can talk to his correspondent.
  2. It adds the ability to show the name of the calling party on the screen of your IP phone on incoming phone calls if the presented phone number is present in the partner/leads/employees/... of OpenERP. Here is how it works:

    • On incoming phone calls, the Asterisk dialplan executes an AGI script "set_name_incoming_timeout.sh".
    • The "set_name_incoming_timeout.sh" script calls the "set_name_agi.py" script with a short timeout.
    • The "set_name_agi.py" script will make an XML-RPC request on the OpenERP server to try to find the name of the person corresponding to the phone number presented by the calling party.
    • If it finds the name, it is set as the CallerID name of the call, so as to be presented on the IP phone of the user.

    It also works on outgoing calls, so as to display the name of the callee on the SIP phone of the caller. For that, you should use the script "set_name_outgoing_timeout.sh".

  3. It adds a phone icon (Open Caller) in the top menu bar (next to the Preferences) to get the partner/lead/candidate/registrations corresponding to the calling party in one click. Here is how it works :

    • When the user clicks on the phone icon, OpenERP sends a query to the Asterisk Manager Interface to get a list of the current phone calls
    • If it finds a phone call involving the user's phone, it gets the phone number of the calling party
    • It searches the phone number of the calling party in the Partners/Leads/Candidates/Registrations of OpenERP. If a record matches, it takes you to the form view of this record. If no record matchs, it opens a wizard which proposes to create a new Partner with the presented phone number as Phone or Mobile number or update an existing Partner.

    It is possible to get a pop-up of the record corresponding to the calling party without any action from the user via the module base_phone_popup.

A detailed documentation for this module is available on the Akretion Web site: http://www.akretion.com/products-and-services/openerp-asterisk-voip-connector

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